How are you guys?? I'm coming back soon on 26th June hee hee. Currently I'm in Japan right now. It was quite an adventurous trip for the last few days. For the last few days in Seattle I have been rushing here and there to close bank account, pay bills, buy stuff and meet many friends every day. Then when I was finally bound for Japan, there was this volcano which erupted at somewhere in the pacific ocean and I had to land in Honolulu! Even though hawaii was always a place that I want to go, but going there in this kinda unexpected condition was not entertaining for me. I had to queue up with another 300 stranded passengers for everything from collecting food with coupons to checking in hotel. And I had to pull two big suitcases and two carry on bags. So when I finally got onto the the plane bound for Japan I was already very shagged. Yesterday was also a torture...Audrey and me were walking in the rain for one whole day carrying heavy bags, and had to bear with not showering to take an overnight bus to tokyo. The bus was very humid and the seats were narrow..so it was the most horrible sleep I've ever had. When we finally reached kyoto in the early morning after not much sleep, it was raining heavily and we had to walk under the rain lugging our bags to find the hostel, which was quite a tiring walk for us. But, behind all these complaints, I'm still happy to be traveling in Japan, eating all the good food and understanding their interesting culture. Now we almost mastered the Japanese railway routes...even though it's very complicated.

At Meiji Shrine
 In the metro..
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 17:09”
I'm so happy today!! TODAY is the official Law School graduation ceremony. Though I didnt have a chance to go on stage i did a fake graduation photo taking session with my dear law sch frens, and then we headed to chinatown to have my farewell dinner. They really gave me face to attend this dinner with me! So many of them turned up...I'm so grateful for that. We had a happy time talking and eating and taking photos :)

离开Seattle的那天, unnie 送我到机场。我没有哭,也没有跟她说我会想念她之类的话。只是一直她催她快回去吧。还记得她最后的拥抱,抱我抱的很紧。这一年,是我们一起度过的。是她让我变的坚强,我在seattle最好的朋友,跟亲人一样。所以我没办法让自己依依不舍。如果那样我会哭的很残。最后我装着一副无所谓的样子跟她告别了。之后听说,她在回去的公车上哭了一路。
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 00:49”
I was holding my tears back when I was listening to the song 'over the rainbow' from the wizard of oz today. My host Martha invited me to her choir concert. It was conducted in a church in the evening. As the setting sun poured its golden rays into the church through the stained glass, the women choir's voices sounded like voices from heaven. The feeling was so peaceful and serene, and I sat there recalling the me who was listening to this song before I came here. The me who has been harboring her dreams for going overseas, confident and ready to explore the US alone. And the me who was then sitting in the church listening to the choir sing that same song, after 9 months, and going back home soon. Going home is like returning back to reality from a wonderful dream. I'm grateful for being loved by so many people here in this one year. I'm lucky to have been where I have been, and being able to fulfill my dreams here. If there is one happy me, that is the me who lived in Seattle happily for 9 months in freedom. With much much gratitude and nostalgia I was touched by its lyrics again.
'...and the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true.'
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 00:14”
My last few precious moments...
It's been 9 months, and now I'm finally at my last week in Seattle. Time really really flew pass and everything wheeshes pass like things in a dream. From autumn to winter and to spring. Now it's summer. I've got to know more people each season, and now I've known so many friends. Each and every one of them leaves an impact on me more or less. I went to my host family's place for dinner and homeless feeding again on monday night. It felt just like the first time I arrived here in Seattle. Seating at the back of their van hearing them bickering about minute stuff, and wondering if I would be as blissful as them when I get old...feeding the homeless never failed to be experience for me. Because I can meet so many different kinds of homeless people, and see a much different aspect of Seattle. Today I met Lauren for the last time before she flies back to New York. We had a sumptuous hot pot buffet at chinatown. Ate like pigs..and I realise that there are still so many things about her that I still don't know. It just takes so much time to get to know someone well. It's sad that it's our last meeting, although she promised to visit me in singapore, or we'll meet in China one day since she loves China so much. Before we parted we just hugged each other so hard, and because I was so bad with words, I can't express my gratitude to her. I really want to thank her for being the first American friend I truly had here, for sharing her good and bad times with me, and for teaching me alot on coping with law school and about the American society. Without her around it wouldn't be such a rewarding experience for me. That was what I wanted to say. Probably next time I should get down to writing cards, because I'm someone who can't say mushy stuff face to face.
Now everything for me becomes 'last time'. Last time having meals with friends, last time visiting our favourite places and restaurants. What my unnie said was right. Before you leave a place everything just become so beautiful to you. Even wild flowers by the road look heavenly.
My favourite place in Seattle - many! Alki beach, greenlake, view from Gasworks park ...view of the city with the water and boats surfing, against the pretty sunset... My favourite food in Seattle - food cooked by my host family! It was always SO delicious! My favourite thing to do in Seattle - too many!!! But the moments I enjoyed the most were probably those mornings when I was walking to law school listening to my ipod all excited about the beginning of a new day. It's just a simple feeling of looking forward to school, and appreciating views along the road at the same time. A feeling which I've never had again since secondary sch..
I've read this saying somewhere last time, that going home is like stepping into a river. You can never step into the same river twice. Even though it's the same place, the water flowing through it is different. The you who came back is a different you. I think this is so true...I've seen so much and learned so much. It was not just about spending money and traveling around. It's also about getting to know and understand different people, hearing their stories and understanding their characters. I think I've learned to socialize with different kinds of people better. Till the time I next meet them, we'll change again...but the point where we all stepped into the same river once will remain in our memories forever.
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 22:16”
I guess i havent talked about this...since it's almost the end of my sojourn here, let me do a brief conclusion.
Ten Reasons why I chose to come to Seattle: 1) Because the name sounds romantic, so are the songs singing about it. Oh yea the movie Sleepless in Seattle too...makes you wonder whether you'll find 'magic' here. 2) Because it is in the USA, and I want to experience the US. 3) Because UW is not that high ranking in term of law sch, so I thought i dont have to struggle with the grad school work load (that is totally wrong.) 4) because the photos of Seattle, especially UW (on flickr) looked damn nice, especially those of the Suzallo library and the cherry blossoms in Spring. (at least this turns out true) 5)Because there is only one exchange vacancy - means I don't have to tag along someone from Singapore all the time. 6) Because this city is booming with nature - especially the waters like the lakes and seas surrounding the city. I need to live somewhere next to a sea/lake usually. And on clear days you can always see the snow-capped mountains far away (this i only realized when i got here). 7) because I thought the temperature is mild - not that cold in winter and not that hot in summer. (this is totally WRONG! too) 8) Because I wanna experience the west coast hippy care-free good-for-retirement culture here.. 9) Because I like the rain (yes i mean it...) 10) Because...I just wanna get away from my comfort zone...to somewhere far far away for a year...
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 17:10”
将要离开一个地方时, 才发现其实什么也带不走。 那睡过一年的床, 看过的电视机, 每天坐着的椅子。。。 就好像一个人要离开世界,都要像原始一样清空。 看着渐渐空荡荡的屋子,仿佛又回到了刚来时,什么都没有的状态。 可能走了这一回, 从开始到最后, 能带走的只是回忆。
搬家的那一天, 是kenji 开车帮我搬到unnie家的。 放下行李的那一刻,我想到了当时刚来是也是kenji到机场去接我的。还帮我拿行李。所有的回忆涌上来,我突然又被这个老爷爷的善良给感动了。忍不住哭了出来。应为我没有办法想像以后都见不到他,跟martha。所以我拿着大包小包站在unnie楼下大哭,象个孩子一样泪水没办法控制。Kenji 看我哭了,过来拥抱我。Unnie 帮我把行李拿上楼。上楼后我还是不停的哭。unnie把她的teddy bear送给我,象哄孩子一样抱着我。 那样。。。我才不哭了。。。。 那是我在seattle第一次大哭,离开的时候。
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 17:52”
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