When I put off the light in my room last night and lay on my bed, I was struck by a sudden tinge of solidarity. I found myself staring at the ceiling which was dimly lit by the street lights. It felt like suddenly I'm being put into a black capsule and silence forced me to realize my existence. I was amazed that I have been sleeping in this bed and in this apartment alone for such a long time, and that I've never been scared or afraid of being alone at all. For the first time I'm pretty proud of myself that I'm a rather brave person. Anyway, just to share this feeling...I guess it's not loneliness, but a sudden realization of what I've been through and it's like the once timid me looking at the braver me now and telling her that 'You're amazing.'
A few updates on the more exciting parts of my life: Went for a baseball game last last week, at Safeco Stadium...Even though I din quite understand the rules of the game it was still interesting to watch the spontaneous audience and enjoy the atmosphere while eating peanuts (what the Americans do when they watch baseball).
 I love the people selling peanuts, beverages, candy floss etc at the stadium..they are so funny and friendly!
It seems like going to a baseball game together with friends or family members is a usual entertainment activity for Seattlites. I managed to catch the famous Ichiro Suzuki guy on the field that day...Seattle worships him for baseball..
Last Saturday was our Law Prom night. I'm not a fan of prom but due to much persuasion from my friends I decided to go and experience it.
Scarlett helped me with my hair and make-up and etc..She said she's my manager and is in charge of making me pretty for that day. Haha thanks to her I did look presentable.
The Gala Girls..outside Scarlett's apartment.
So we arrived at the restaurant for the event and this is the view from the restaurant..beautiful right!
 So prom was more of a dancing event! Haha...the law students looked so serious when they're studying in school, but they danced like crazy high school teens while drinking unlimited supply of alcohol. I did tried to dance a little (if you call that dancing) but I realize I really have no talent in shaking my body in a nice way. So I decided to head for the cakes/food instead. Ok so that's about my life for now. Cancelled all my travel plans due to the flu thinggy. SIGH. But better be safe than sorry right? I still have my salsa dance and painting classes and nice friends here to keep myself in company :)
Many of u in NUS are having exams right now right? Good luck and jia you!!
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 14:00”
When I was walking back from school today on the ave, I saw this dad with his little toddler daugther standing outside Goodwill, a second hand shop where they sell everything second hand very cheaply. The dad and the daughter dressed like poorer than the average 'Seattlite'. Suddenly the dad reached out to his goodwill bag and pulled out a purple cotton hat, and put it on his daughter. The hat was rather big for her small little head. But when I saw her happy smile and the dad's satisfaction with his daughter's cuteness, for some reason my heart warmed up in the cold rainy weather. The old saying is right...happiness cannot be measured by money.
A friend whom I've just known for 3 weeks called me to say she was feeling unhappy. The problem is she does not know why she was unhappy all of a sudden, it's not due to pms or anything, and she expected me to cheer her up. So I tried to talk about ways to be happier, like planning events ahead, and introduce her happy food which I often use as 'happiness therapy' such as tidbits and ice cream, and tell her silly jokes about myself. Finally she said she's much happier and thanked me for cheering her up. And I realize being able to make someone happy is happiness itself.
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 19:04”
还记得以前的我,在中学时曾给未来的我写过一封信 (我中四一班的同学你们应该记得吧,Miss Ong 让我们写的)。信里的我说,‘未来的我呀,要坚强的活着,不要放弃梦想,要勇敢。’ 就这样,以前的我一直鼓励着现在的我。 所以想把这首歌送给那些忘记以前的自己的朋友们,希望你们也不要放弃曾经坚持过的梦想和信念。
時空信 Time Letter - Tension
忘了在何年何月寄这信给未来的我 写著爱过梦过多么简单又多么认真的 那些心愿还有生活 绿洲早已经变成沙漠 恒星粉碎成了银河 这封信像刀锋从无聊生命划过 忽然我清醒了 想起当时的我 没有怕过什么
我想念我 那时的我 热情的心 生命像个宝盒 曾经相信所有传说啊 勇敢冒险只想找到钥匙开那把锁 我想念我 原来的我 那么自由 不管天多高地多厚 没有追求的尽头
未来的我 信里对自己这么说 希望有元气的活著 有梦就难免寂寞 不要放弃 我想念我 那时的我 热情的心 被生活折磨 开始怀疑所有传说啊 是不是没钥匙能打开那锁 我想念我 原来那勇敢的我 想像自己 在打开宝盒那一刻 也变成一个传说
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 22:21”
Tulips Festival!! (at Skagit Valley)
Skagit Valley is a town near Seattle, on the way to Vancouver. Today we went on a road trip to visit the tulips festival there, which is held every spring in here in Washington. Scarlett took 2 hours to drive us there! :) I felt so happy to see the snow-capped mountains, lakes along the way, and finally the beautiful tulip and daffodil carpet-like fields! We found yellow, pink, purple, red tulips and yellow daffodils. The place is actually a big town with many many huge acres of tulips/daffodil farmlands. I guess they're grown for sale. Didn't know Washington has such a huge tulips demand.
(From left - Yoni (Visiting doctor from Indonesia), Chelsea (unnie), Scarlett, me, Nobuko)

My camera went out of batt soon, so I didn't take many pictures. We had salmon bbq in some part of the town for lunch. On the way back, we went to Premium Outlets for a quick shopping ...and I bought a dress for law prom, which is coming next Saturday night! My 4 fairy god-sisters chose the dress for me lol, cos I felt like cinderella, going to prom without a dress and proper shoes....So in the end I decided to buy the golden short dress, which is a little bit sexy. My unnie lent me her golden shoes and I'm all set haha. So look forward to see my law prom look LOL!
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 00:54”
Swan Lake Ballet
Just came back from swan lake ballet by the Pacific Northwest Ballet dance group..it was so awesome, especially the live orchestra! I have been a fan of swan lake for a long time..and this is the second time that i've watched ballet on this story..but I'll never get tired of it.

During the interval we had a chance of going into their backstage for a backstage tour. Cos we followed our school (FIUTS) to the event so we have this special treatment. The dancer who played the prince was so shuai! and the girls were spinning around rehearsing..they looked so stunning.
Watching operas, symphonies and ballets during weekends seems to be an usual thing for people in Seattle. Families and couples were all dressed up for the show. Again I dressed-down so no pics of me. :P
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 00:00”
My professor said in class today, 'if you don't have confidence in your client's case, then who can help your client?'
And I realized, similarly, that if you don't have confidence in yourself, then who else can help you?
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 16:08”

The Sakura season is here! Check out my photos of sakura in my school at Here ! In Spring..I'm looking forward to many many things... including going to painting class, salsa dance class, swimming at IMA, going to tulips festival, touring San Diego and Victoria in May, and finally going to tour Japan for two weeks before coming back to Singapore...
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 21:34”
Today I had lunch with a friend...she's from Ethiopia but migrated to the States at a very young age. We met because she is working on a research paper on Singapore law, and I happen to be the only source of authority on Singapore here. We talked about Singapore law, Singapore government, African and Ethiopian legal systems etc, and then we talked about law schools in Singapore and America, lawyers..and finally about life and passion.. She asked me what do I want to do in Singapore after I graduate from NUS. I replied, ' Well, the Singapore legal market is very small...either you become a private practice lawyer, doing corporate work, or you join the government.' And after several rounds on other topics she asked me, ' So what if you are not going back to Singapore and you don't have to join the government or become a private lawyer, what do you want to do?' I said, ' So assuming I'm a student studying in America..' She cuts my sentence and said, ' No just what is your passion?' And then I just stared at her. I got what she meant - What am I really interested in? I replied her ' Working in an NGO that deals with environmental or human rights issues'. She then agreed that 'Yea you look like that kinda person'. That was the moment when I got to discover what I really want to do in life, even though it is impossible if I stay in Singapore. Her 'what if' question made me understand more about myself - that opportunities are created by yourself - and if you happen to assume too much and close the doors from the start you are trapped from the beginning on where you can go in life. So I'm considering to go to a place where I can really do what I'm passionate in. Because I only live my life once.
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 15:45”
 My school's sakura trees blossomed..it feels heavenly to be walking among the pink shades!! The cherry trees in my sch is one of Seattle's must-see..if you happen to travel here in Spring..Pink crowns against the old sch buildings is really very pretty! I'll wait till they fully blossom to take more photos.
Just came back from hot pot session at a fren's house - we had seafood hot pot self-made! I realise that having group cooking sessions and gathering at someone's house is actually much more fun than eating together at a restaurant.
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 22:43”
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