Korean Supermarket and BBQ!
On Wed Scarlett drove us to a super huge Korean (and Japanese) supermarket, which is quite far from Seattle city...it's called 'H mart' and is the biggest supermarket here i've ever seen. The prices are quite cheap as compared to downtown supermarkets and we bought a lot of stuff! So much that we had a difficult time squeezing our groceries bags into her little beetle car ..
And back at Scarlett and Nobuko's house - having a korean BBQ pork session - wrapping pork in lettuce and eat with some kinda chilli sauce ...haha it's delicious even though it looks so simple! We finished a lot a lot of pork.......
Host of the night - Scarlett and Nobuko - both masters law students.
Lisha & Hyunjin!
Highlight of the night - 4 different types of korean wine - rice wine+baek se ju + san sal chu + korean rapsberry wine... What a wonderful night to chill out with frens.. :)
Golden Gardens Park Yesterday I went to Golden Gardens Park with Hanzi, a chinese student studying Int Relations here. Met her at my chinese law class.
Cool kid in the cafe...
Even though it's called a park, it's actually the SEA.

Hee..do I look like an American high school student? =P
haha obviously this photo is PSed. But it's romantic and beautiful right??
And Psed this one too..

We saw this homeless girl washing up with sea water. Actually the sea water is really really clear.
Hanzi and Me.
A piece of art by the sea.

This looks like a broken pathway to the sea...
And the white flowers are shining like stars on the lawn..
A dad with two sons and a dog. The tods were rolling on the sands and the Dad didnt care. We were wondering, where's the mom?

Sakura!!!! It's spring!
 Sigh, the dogs were climbing the stairs faster than me..
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 13:44”
A Day at Gasworks Park
Today is the first day after exams for winter quarter. Seems like suddenly spring is everywhere. Lisha and I decided to go to Gasworks Park, a very famous scenic park in Seattle. It's one of the many beautiful parks that Seattle owns...:) I realized I love going to parks! Especially those in this emerald city cos they make u feel so carefree, with people jogging, kids running around, cyclists, photographers, freesby players, and all sorts of happy moments to capture with my camera...

 Jump! - the typical photo to take in this park
A guy wearing a 'kilt' - the Scottish skirt
Here're some of my 'processed' photos...i was playing with photoshop hehe...

A girl trying to borrow the wind and fly with her parachute..i don't know to where. But I admire her determination - trying again and again after her parachute falls down...
A loving couple..i didn't mean to stalk them..just found it too romantic with a typical Seattle-feel!
This old lady was trying to capture the best view of the gasworks for a long time, unaware that she's the subject of another person's picture.
Where the earth and the sky meet.
'Look, a plane!'
Mother and her girls.
The eternal view of Lake Union.
And this is probably one of the websites which attracted me to Seattle in the first place...check it out if u are interested in Seattle --> Seattle Daily Photo
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 23:50”
人生 -
就像冬天的最后一场雪, 在人们沉睡时偷偷飘扬, 展现最美的舞姿, 在人们醒来时就化为细雨。
就像走在西雅图的狂风冷雨中, 雨伞都快被吹跑了, 也要硬着头皮走下去, 因为见到身旁没有雨伞的人们。
就像地上不起眼的的小水洼, 兴高采烈地走着一不注意踩进去, 鞋里都是水, 下次走路便是低着头。
就像路旁的樱花树, 粉红色的花一边盛开着, 一边凋谢着, 枝上地上都洒媚色。
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 11:33”
Today I studied together with 3 friends in the library...all the way until 11pm when the library closed.. I'm feeling a sense of achievement! Haha! It's good to have company while studying so that you can crap around for 15 minutes for a break and encourage each other to continue studying. Then we took the night bus home. My school has this 'nightride' service everyday free for all students to take and they will send you right to your doorstep. This is due to the uncontrollable amount of robberies happening around the university area every week...
Yesterday I was feeling a lil gloomy, and a friend spotted it and treated me to frozen yogurt. I felt so much better after that. Later in the day another friend says she couldn't study at all cos she was felling quite gloomy...so I decided to make use of my just-gained optimism to cheer her up. :) So I learned the power of 'passing the smile on'.
And I bought a pot of flowers! I've always wanted to buy some plant in my room so that there is some 'life' around me...and I finally fell in love with this small little pot of periwinkle.
And then I came back to search for its 花语 (Flower Meaning), and to my surprise, its meaning is 'pleasing rememberances', ‘美好的回忆’。SO lovely isn't it?
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 23:18”
School has been busy but fruitful for me! In fact I really love going to school because I can meet a lot of nice friends/people every day... My exams are coming in a week's time, so I won't have time to update this blog. Just wanna let you all know that I'm doing well here.. Today, while I was having my half an hour break in 7-hrs of classes, I went out of the law building and decided to start taking photos..and I happen to meet some of my friends who walk pass by and get caught by my camera! :)

My 'unnie' Chelsea.
Mr Chang - a Korean lawyer! He's one of the Korean lawyers who have been treating me to meals. He also explains corporation law to me ...a v nice person!
I guess I have gotten used to living here..and my life is getting into a kinda routine - getting up in the morning and going to school, going to have meals tger with frens, going to the market and buy groceries during the weekend, cooking with my fren every weekend, going to the gym and exercise with frens every weekend etc. There are certain days which I will be at home, and certain days which I will spend studying in the library with friends. Funny isn't it, when you allow nature to take its course. Probably it's fate which brought all these people to me. I'm thankful for that. Yet again.
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 21:02”
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