深夜醒来,摸索着床边的柜子, 才发现,自己不在家里
看着 街上的行人 端着可乐滑着滑板过马路的少年 在身旁停下的绿色公车 放学后经过的一所所教堂 橙色的夕阳粉色的天 照映远方的座座雪山 才发现,自己在美国
路旁的樱花开了! 丁香依旧散着香气 可能是,春天要来了
所以我才醒来 观察着身边的小细节 像以前画画时寻找灵感一样 活着
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 18:49”
I celebrated my Valentine's day...
at a romantic seafood restaurant at the beach...looking across the sea at the shoreline of Seattle..
With a group of friends!!!!!!!! We had such a fun time laughing and talking!!! It was such a happy and lovely night.
(from left: Scarlett (Lawyer from Korea), Me, Lisha, my unnie!)
As u can see..the dishes are super small but they're soooooooooooooooo ex!!! my plate of cod fish is just palm size the most but it cost like 20 dollars!!! I was complaining whether this is human or bird food until they convinced me to focus on the beautiful night view across the glittering sea waves, instead of food...
At least our dessert, ice cream chocolate fudge..is LARGEly rewarding..
Haha celebrating V day as singles is very fun too!
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 14:48”
Black day
haha, just learnt this from the korean lawyers today. That V day is for girls to prepare gifts for guys, and White day is for guys to prepare gifts for girls, and as for people like me...black day is my day. T__T
From wikipedia!
'Black Day (April 14) is a South Korean informal tradition for single people (a.k.a. Unit Solo/Solo Regiment, Korean: 솔로부대) to get together and eat Jajangmyeon (noodles with black bean sauce), sometimes a white sauce is mixed for those who did not celebrate White Day. The idea is that those who did not give or receive gifts on Valentine's Day or White Day can get together and eat Jjajangmyeon (짜장면), white Korean noodles with black bean sauce (hence the name), to commiserate their singledom.'
So i asked them, why do we have to eat ja jang myeong? And their ans is 'because it's BLACK!' Haha is this even a celebration? The whole day seems so gloomy!! Haha my single friends, lets get together and eat 炸酱面 together on black day next time!!! hahahaha...
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 17:00”
Just to share... Since V day is drawing near LOL.. Here's what we discovered today in genetics law class.. that you can actually go online and search for someone who is genetically suitable for you.. via ur dna. The modern way of practicing eugenics. 'We only analyze a very few of your immune system genes—not your whole genetic makeup. And your DNA sample is destroyed after we’re done with it. Your genetic privacy is much more vulnerable when you get a haircut, or drink from a glass in a restaurant!'
And the advantage of this genetical soulmate search is..
- Chances are increased that you’ll love the natural body fragrance of your matches.
- You have a greater chance of a more satisfying sex life.
- Women tend to enjoy a higher rate of orgasms with their partners.
- Women have a much lower chance of cheating in their exclusive relationships.
- Couples tend to have higher rates of fertility.
- All other things being equal, couples have a greater chance of having healthier children with more robust immune
scientific -match!
Imagine ur future spouse saying to u, ' erm..i love you because you're genetically suitable for me.'
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 20:35”
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