我是一个不喜欢写New Yr Resolution 的人。。 因为想做的事自己很清楚,那些记不得的,容易忘记的,却又想得到的东西, 还不如不得到好了。。 可是。。。 有些东西。。是你的就是你的。。不是你的就不是你的。。 我一直在领悟这个道理的过程中挣扎着。。。
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 18:44”
Ok i shall start bloggin abt my DC trip.. DC travelling was the most fun for me..probably cuz i was travelling alone so I can decide my own route..like where I wanna go, what I wanna see, what I wanna eat..what time I wanna do wad..I guess I'm a loner..But I really enjoyed walking around alone!! What's fun about DC? Ans = musuems, government buildings, memorials and they're mostly FREE!!
DC Day 2:
In the metro train in DC...
At Georgetown Uni..
Georgetown Uni Law Library..
Some random street with nice houses i like..hehe
US Postal museum- they have ALOT of stamps from all over the world..probably the largest postal collection on earth, and also history on postal delivery in the USA..quite a cool museum.
 Union Station Capital Building Capital Building at night - so nice!! I love the Xmas tree ... Library of Congress - inside the building is breathtakingly beautiful! Took a tour even tho it need reservation (the tour guide is an old man volunteering there..he's real kind). I cant take pics of the real library -a pentagon dome - super huge inside with two levels of statutes surrounding the walls and beautiful huge stained glass windows and wall/ceiling paintings.. A must-visit if u go to DC!! The library even has books which are writted by some chinese painter/author back in 400 BC..
Supreme Court - a must-visit too for all law students haha..has huge statute of Justice Marshall - the father of supremacy doctrine! With all those famous cases like Marbury enshrined at the back of his statute..
To be continued...
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 18:44”
Sorry about no updates for my DC tour. I'm doing fine..have been walking alone in DC for like 3 days now. ENJOYING my freedom very much....and walked almost ALL of the attractions in DC from morning to night each day - memorials, government buildings, musuems....They're very very interesting...DC is really worth a visit! Will update pics soon when I reach New York!...cuz i got limited access to internet!! (in fact I'm stealing my friend's computer for a while to write this cuz I cant log on to her house's wireless).
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 18:11”
Haha today is nothing spectacular...just a day spent on 2 planes, 1 bus, 2 shuttles, 2 rails and a long walk under the rain to Audrey's place. I'm pretty proud of myself that I actually made my way to D.C.!! I almost missed the connecting light at Alanta cuz the stupid plane changed terminal and I had to run all the way to another terminal by rail after realising that I'm boarding the wrong plane at the original gate. Anyway, we had nice 'buffet' at her school, University of Georgetown, and we finaly made our way back to her house. It is actually a pretty house she is sharing with 4 other girls. I'm supposed to stay in the living room hahaha. I'm here typing all these so as to wait for her housemate's friends to finish their movie and leave the living room so that I can make it my territory. My first impression of DC - not much nightview - very dark!!! more of a political capital than business hub. That's all for today's boring post. I'll visit downtown D.C. tomorrow ...so look out for more pictures. Travel tger with me on the east coast of USA!
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 18:01”
Yesterday was the first snow in Seattle for this winter... It started snowing heavily at night..It was heavenly! Big white flakes coming down from the sky ..and as I walked pass the church near my place I cant help but stop by to take some (failure) pics..
  I went to my Unnie's house for a stayover yesterday. We were both so excited by the snow as we made our journey to her place.
We both felt like it is Xmas cuz everywhere suddenly turned white, so we decided to make some small celebration - we went to buy rum and raisin ice cream and chips, and watched Korean drama together while eating and drinking hot tea in her place until very late!! It was a good happy night! I felt so joyous and peaceful!!
 And today's morning...the sun was shining and the world turned into a winter wonderland (view from unnie's window)..
 In order to enjoy the white morning we went outside for a walk..and went to Goodwill (a second hand shop selling clothes and thousands of other stuff) to shop , stopped by Pizza hut for some chicken drumsticks and went back to her place to have her self-made delicious pasta..
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 00:03”
Pictures Time!!!
Thai food cooking session: -Thai oyster Scrambled egg with chicken cubes inside - Thai fried chicken - Thai beef salad - Thai Green Curry!! All done by my thai fren Noon over a time span of 3 hrs, with me helping..and of course Joyce washing..:P
A Walk at Greenlake Park
On a random Saturday morning, at 8am ...Joyce and me went to Greenlake park for a morning walk hahaha. It was chilly but very very nice!! I felt so serene! We walked one big round around the lake..observing people jogging, fathers jogging while pushing baby trollies, different kinds of dogs jogging with their owners etc...it was a beautiful morning walk! We were totally in 'Autumn in my heart' drama mood..

We sat by this lake..on a bench after walking for almost of the lake for brunch - brought hot mocha and sandwiches with us! Observing the ducks..and the sky turning from grey to crystal blue..

   This is my favourite tree along the road - I named it the 'Bomb'...

It's so pretty viewing from inside the Bomb! Shades of the Bomb 

   Had hot chocolate after the walk at a famous hot choco place near the lake - gained back our calories haha..but it was delicious!! so worth it!! Dark hot chocolate and caramel hot chocolate..
We went to northgate for the second half of the day to do another round of shopping..and we had Mexican food for dinner!! Delicius!! Haha this is a pic spam...but I totally love this lake - I would like to upload my entire photo collection of this lake if I have time..but I dont want you guys to get bored of this lake. I shall leave the rest to ur imagination - please come to Seattle one day and have a walk along this lake :D Many many more pics to go...from my Vancouver trip!!!
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 22:40”
Thanks for all the encouragement and the birthday wishes on the tagboard...They're my support!! Now is officially the end of my first quarter (sch term) here in Seattle.. I realised I've already been here for 3 months.. Ive never felt that it's a long time...rather I feel time really flies pass. Looking back over the three months, I guess I've probably enjoyed myself more than what I can in 2 two years time in Sg. Gah, did I tell you guys how much I love Seattle? The trees, the lakes, the skies, the people...the air of freedom which I breathe in every moment makes me ever energetic. I'm already starting to miss this place even before i leave...
Since I've just finished my exams, I guess I should talk about my exam period happenings. I sort of enjoyed the entire process leading up to the exams rather than the papers themselves. What I mean is not just mugging in the library alone and staring out of the library window, but also the interesting lessons in class (yes i mean it cuz i get to see an american perspective on a lot of things, especially politically). I've also formed this study group with some classmates and we're supposed to outline a part of our impossible-to-study-finish syllabus and get together to teach each other on our parts. It was sort of stressful in the beginning because in a study group everyone relies on each other to prepare goods outlines. Some more they are local JD students, so grades matter much more to them than to me. It was an interesting process nevertheless... I loved joking and studying at the same time with them. After our study groups we also went out for meals. There was one day when we didnt eat for the entire day just to discuss the materials from morning to night...even our professor pitied us and asked us to have a gd sleep and eat some gd food. In the end we went to eat breakfast cum lunch cum dinner tger. I've also shared my notes with other classmates, who in turn shared theirs with me. It's sort of against the 'honour code' of this sch to share outlines (which i donno why!) but we still shared with each other unselfishly...this entire process of 'cooperative study' really makes me wanna study more together with them...it's a feeling which I can never experience in NUS law..i mean besides sharing some mugger notes, who will get together to outline and send to each other and spend time to discuss with each other right before the exams in sg?
Here's me and Lauren in a Thai restaurant after we've finished our International Law exam..it was such a stressful paper done in 3 hrs on the computer!! So we need to reward ourselves with good food and good company before our next 24 hr paper. I took 3 classes with here this quarter, that's why we became good friends. She's probably one of the sweetest people I've ever met here...helped in in different ways. Encouragement, studies, cheering me up with her dumb jokes etc...I think we'll definitely stay as good friends in future...
Oh I'll reveal a secret...... I went to vancouver for four days before my exams!! Hahahha ...I'll upload a lot of pics on that trip later...it was a fun free and easy trip with my travel mates, Joyce and Noon. I just finished a 24-hr paper..shall go catch some beauty sleep.. get up and clean the house and do my mountain of laundry... Cuz I'm heading towards Washington DC, New York, Boston, East Coast of Canada next week for Xmas and New Yr!!
How are u guys doing? Missing u all...
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 10:24”
I apologise for this not so happening blog lol.. I won't be blogging for the next 2 weeks. I'm entering exam period. But I promise I'll add alot alot of nice photos after 2 wks' time. So please come back again soon!! Meanwhile, for those who are still in exams, lets jia you together! For those who are in hols, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
Missing u all...
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 00:02”
What's the time over at...?
九月 2008
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十一月 2008
十二月 2008
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Louis's Blog shop - pls support!
Bae Hye Han
Joyce in USA
Froggie in Germany