回來了這麼久,也該對这一年經歷的事做個總結。今天終於有時間,也有精力, 坐下來慢慢思考了。 以前的我,怕回來後在美國的一切就會變成夢。現在不怕了,因為一切回憶還是很真實。我還可以在網上和那邊的朋友連絡。而那個在美國甚麼都不怕的我一直在為現在的我增加信心。 以前的我好怕面試。現在的我在面試時沒那麼緊張了,好像還有點张狂。 所以可能才拿到那份我想要的工作吧。回來後一直問身邊的人我有甚麼變化,大家都說沒怎麼變。 唯一變的可能事我對自己更有信心了。因為我學到了,自己先要給自己一個機會,別人才給你機會。而自己給自己的機會,是信心。
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 22:06”
How are you guys?? I'm coming back soon on 26th June hee hee. Currently I'm in Japan right now. It was quite an adventurous trip for the last few days. For the last few days in Seattle I have been rushing here and there to close bank account, pay bills, buy stuff and meet many friends every day. Then when I was finally bound for Japan, there was this volcano which erupted at somewhere in the pacific ocean and I had to land in Honolulu! Even though hawaii was always a place that I want to go, but going there in this kinda unexpected condition was not entertaining for me. I had to queue up with another 300 stranded passengers for everything from collecting food with coupons to checking in hotel. And I had to pull two big suitcases and two carry on bags. So when I finally got onto the the plane bound for Japan I was already very shagged. Yesterday was also a torture...Audrey and me were walking in the rain for one whole day carrying heavy bags, and had to bear with not showering to take an overnight bus to tokyo. The bus was very humid and the seats were narrow..so it was the most horrible sleep I've ever had. When we finally reached kyoto in the early morning after not much sleep, it was raining heavily and we had to walk under the rain lugging our bags to find the hostel, which was quite a tiring walk for us. But, behind all these complaints, I'm still happy to be traveling in Japan, eating all the good food and understanding their interesting culture. Now we almost mastered the Japanese railway routes...even though it's very complicated.

At Meiji Shrine
 In the metro..
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 17:09”
I'm so happy today!! TODAY is the official Law School graduation ceremony. Though I didnt have a chance to go on stage i did a fake graduation photo taking session with my dear law sch frens, and then we headed to chinatown to have my farewell dinner. They really gave me face to attend this dinner with me! So many of them turned up...I'm so grateful for that. We had a happy time talking and eating and taking photos :)

离开Seattle的那天, unnie 送我到机场。我没有哭,也没有跟她说我会想念她之类的话。只是一直她催她快回去吧。还记得她最后的拥抱,抱我抱的很紧。这一年,是我们一起度过的。是她让我变的坚强,我在seattle最好的朋友,跟亲人一样。所以我没办法让自己依依不舍。如果那样我会哭的很残。最后我装着一副无所谓的样子跟她告别了。之后听说,她在回去的公车上哭了一路。
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 00:49”
I was holding my tears back when I was listening to the song 'over the rainbow' from the wizard of oz today. My host Martha invited me to her choir concert. It was conducted in a church in the evening. As the setting sun poured its golden rays into the church through the stained glass, the women choir's voices sounded like voices from heaven. The feeling was so peaceful and serene, and I sat there recalling the me who was listening to this song before I came here. The me who has been harboring her dreams for going overseas, confident and ready to explore the US alone. And the me who was then sitting in the church listening to the choir sing that same song, after 9 months, and going back home soon. Going home is like returning back to reality from a wonderful dream. I'm grateful for being loved by so many people here in this one year. I'm lucky to have been where I have been, and being able to fulfill my dreams here. If there is one happy me, that is the me who lived in Seattle happily for 9 months in freedom. With much much gratitude and nostalgia I was touched by its lyrics again.
'...and the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true.'
“Jd dropped by Kynthos at 00:14”
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